Our Offer
Trends Collection

Mug ART (blue)
Painted mugs are made of burnt clay and are completely glazed. Each piece is original.

Glass 50 ml Slovak Style
The traditional colorless glass with a Slovak Style motif is a typical punch for slivovitz or other home-made brandy in a rural setting. The price is per pc. Dimensions: 39 x 143.5 x 39 mm (Width x Height x Depth)

Folklore pencils (brown)
Folk pencils in a practical package suitable as a gift.The package contains 6 pencils. The hardness of the pencils is 9B.

Braces and bow tie Folk (blue)
If you love folk and are not afraid to try new things, make any opportunity special with folk straps and a bow tie.Material: 60% polyester, 40% rubber yarn.Dimensions: straps (width 3.5 cm, length 130 cm), bow tie (adjustable length).

Braces and bow tie Folk (red)
If you love folk and are not afraid to try new things, make any opportunity special with folk straps and a bow tie.Material: 60% polyester, 40% rubber yarn.Dimensions: straps (width 3.5 cm, length 130 cm), bow tie (adjustable length).

Hatchet 54 cm
Traditional Slovak Hatchet . Hatchet wooden porphyry is stained and varnished for higher durability and a beautiful overall effect or appearance of an art object. The upper part is made of plastic. The length of the Hatchet is 53 cm. The weight is about 150g.

copy of Glass 50 ml Slovak Style
The traditional colorless glass with a Slovak Style motif is a typical punch for slivovitz or other home-made brandy in a rural setting. The price is per pc. Dimensions: 39 x 143.5 x 39 mm (Width x Height x Depth)

Women´s whistling T-shirt (red heart)
T-shirt with sewn leatherette heart, under which hides the whistling element. T-shirt is made of 100% cotton, tapered cut to accentuate the silhouette, silicone softener ensures flow and softness to the touch.

client says

Slovenská šperkárka sa inšpiruje našim folklórom!
Petra Toth je slovenská šperkárka a dizajnérka, ktorá vo svojej tvorbe používa pôvodné slovanské ornamenty a sofistikovane ich pretvára do súčasnej formy. Jej šperky inšpirované tradičnou ľudovou...

Letná súťaž o jesenný pobyt!
Pripravili sme pre Vás špeciálnu letnú súťaž pod názvom SPOZNAJ ľudové umenie so Slovak Folk Art a VYHRAJ jesenný víkendový pobyt pre celú rodinu (max.6os.) v najkrajšej drevenici na Slovensku v...

Doduručujeme aj počas COVID-19.
Náš internetový obchod doručuje všetky zásielky aj počas karanténnych opatrení súvisiach s epidémiou covid-19. Pre najbezpečnejšie doručenie si prosím prečítajte nasledovné odporúčania.

Mladá umelkyňa maľuje slovenské ornamenty!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.